written and directed by Shredy Jabarin
Video Blog
written, directed and presented by Shredy Jabarin
The Coaching Business Phenomenon
Recently I've been approached physically by someone trying to pitch me her "coaching business", in order to hire her boss - a coach who has been lately "licensed by Tony Robbins". Therefore I had to make this video to tell the story and to talk about this phenomenon...
The magic key to a successful music video production
Here is a secret key to creating a magical video production (also theater, film/media production or any artistic journey), even when you have a relatively low budget. This article is directed to those who aim to create successful productions. If someone has other...
Der magische Schlüssel zur erfolgreichen Musikvideo Produktion (und es ist nicht Budget)
Das ist der Schlüssel für die Herstellung einer magischen Videoproduktion (auch Theater, Film-/Medienproduktion oder jede andere künstlerische Reise), auch wenn das Budget relativ gering ist. Dieser Artikel richtet sich an diejenigen, die erfolgreiche Produktionen...