Shredy Jabarin

Director | Scriptwriter | Actor


Film | Theater | Music Videos

Acting | Performance

Film | Theater | Online Productions


Acting | Public speaking | Performance

Artistic Direction

Productions | Projects | Artists

Behind the Scenes

I shot this video while working on my latest project to show how we produce our productions, even within insanely low budgets. I present this video here as an indication of what is possible.

Ein Klein Wild Vögelein

Music Video for a German Volkslied
Vocals, Instruments and Music production by Maria GoJa
Music video written, directed and filmed by Shredy Jabarin

Hashem - Web Series

Hashem is a web series written, directed and filmed by Shredy Jabarin. The first episodes were written and filmed in 2024. Music theme, instruments and music production by Maria GoJa. Starring Alaa Alsarraj. Produced by Alaa Alsarraj and Shredy Jabarin and published in 2025.

Not My Drama

Music Video – Original Song
Song by Maria GoJa
Music production by Maria GoJa
Music video written, directed and filmed by Shredy Jabarin


I studied the art of performance, method acting, storytelling and psychodrama in the faculty of art – the theatre and cinema Departments at Tel-Aviv University, 2001-2004. Worked as an actor and a performer in theatres and in films since. Later wrote and directed theatre, video productions and taught acting and performance. Scroll down for specific milestones and achievements.

I create, write and direct music videos, film and video productions, and online content and help my clients to channel their stories and messages with their audience and potential customers, including aspiring artists, actors, musicians and performers who I help to navigate their way in this complicated industry.

I was born in 1981 in Tel Aviv – Jaffa into a wealthy multi-cultural society, which has definitely shaped my artistic approach, career and journey and allowed me to work in different countries and languages. I speak Arabic, Hebrew, English, French and German and am still open to learn.

I worked with professionals from the highest levels of the industry, which gave me a priceless experience and skill. Professionals like Ridley Scott, Jeanne Moreau, Leonardo Dicaprio, Natalie Portman,  Julian Schnabel, Amos Guitai, Freida Pinto, Janusz Wisniewski…

Among others, I worked also for
ZDF – TV, ARD – TV, Die Schaubühne (Berlin), Nowy teatr (Poznan),
The Cameri Theater (Tel Aviv), Festival d’Avignon …

2001-2004 Studied the Arts of Performance at Tel-Aviv University


2008 Nominated to the Ofir Film Academy Award for the best actor in the main role category “For my father”
2008 Nominated to the Theatre Academy award representing the Cameri theater of Tel Aviv



2025 Hashem – Web series
2024 My Journey… – Short film
2024 The End – Music Video
2022 Not My Drama – Music Video
2021 Without You I Can Breathe – Music Video
2021 Angstfrei – Music Video
2020 So What?! – Music Video
2019 Soulquakes – Music Video
2017 Behind The Sun – Music Video
2016 Uncertainty – Music Video
2016 So What?! – Music Video
2015 Children of Light – Short Film
2015 Disconnections – Short Film
2014 Crying Dogs – Music Video
2014 I Am That – Short Film
2013 Kali – Music Video
2012 MissFire – Theaterplay

and various other videos for online platforms



Film Productions

2015 Children of Light – Shredy Jabarin
2014 Mars at Sunrise – Jessica Habie
2013 The Savior – Robert Savo
2013 Kiddon – Emanuel Nekach
2010 Miral – Julian Schnabel
2009 Mrs. Moskowitz&the Cats – George Gorevitz
2009 Carmel – Amos Guitai
2008 Body of Lies – Ridley Scott
2008 For my Father – Dror Zahavi
2006 The Bubble – Eythan Fox
2005 Avenge but One of My Eyes – Avi Mograbi
2005 Free Zone – Amos Guitai


Theater Productions

2011-2012 The Day before the last Day – Schaubuehne, Berlin, Germany
2010-2012 Death and the Maiden – Al Midan Theatre, Haifa, Israel
2009-2010 The Wars of Sons of Light – Avignon’s Festival, France
and the Odeon Theatre, Paris, France
2008-2010 The second End of Europe – The Nowy Theatre, Poznan, Poland
2008 Gefen Baladi – The Cameri Theatre, Tel Aviv, Israel
2006-2008 Plonter – The Cameri Theatre, Tel Aviv, Israel
2005 The Red Tent – The Simta Theatre, Tel Aviv, Israel
2004 Masked – The Arab Hebrew Theatre, Tel Aviv, Israel
2004 A winter in the Checkpoint – The Arab Hebrew Theatre, Tel Aviv, Israel
2004 Forced Landing – The Arab Hebrew Theatre, Tel Aviv, Israel


TV Productions

2013 The Jerusalem Syndrome – Dror Zahavi, ARD
2012 Munich 72 – Dror Zahavi, ZDF
2010-2011 Taxi Driver – Eythan Haner, Ethan Zur
2010 Arabs Labor – Shay Capon
2009 Naked Truth – Uri Barabash
2008 Good Intensions – Uri Barabash



I tell stories, perform, write, direct, plan and create an artistic visions, starting from the early stages of mindset preparation, setting the relevant goals and strategy, shape the performance and all the way to media production, image video, music video, online content… I direct the content, help inspire people, sell the product and achieve success.


FIlms, music videos, online content… Every professional production requires a director. This is not a cinematographer, a videographer or a friend with a camera and an artistic intuition. This is a professional who has the ability to tell the story, visualise the final result and has the knowledge and competence to manifest it.

Directors have different styles. I invite you watch the productions directed by me, in order to get to know my style.

There are countless approaches to any production. However, the budget gives us a more clear vision where to start and how to proceed. For more information, just contact me.

Artistic Direction

Not to be confused with “Art director”.

Artistic direction is the executive and organisational leadership of an Artistic project, production, product, organisation…

The director and the artistic director are similar to a certain extent. However, the director is a production function. The artistic director is normally needed for more complex projects and entities.

An artistic director must have professional studies, years of professional experience in a variety of technical skills, expertise and professional knowledge, not only as a “coach/teacher”, but most importantly as an achiever – actor, performer, filmmaker… He must be an artist who applied the knowledge with action and actual achievements, not only by talking and teaching.

Acting & Performance

I am alway passionate about acting, however, in the current state of my career, the message of the project is more important to me than my performance. I would gladly perform in a film or a theater play that inspires life, but it is important for me to believe in the script and the message of the production first.

Guidance - Emotional & Mental Preparation

The emotional state and the mindset is the first key to unlock the journey. The ability to see the big picture and connect all the pieces into one unit is a rare skill and a science that I studied and successfully applied by action and achievement for more than two decades.

Some might be repeating the same actions or following the same misleading guidance, without realising that this is part of the problem.

Some might feel that all they need is one piece of the puzzle in order to complete the picture, but do not see or know about the many other pieces that are also crucial. So, one would be unconsciously gambling, wishfully thinking and expecting success, without seeing desired outcome. Therefore one gets disappointed, again and again, until one loses hope. This can actually change, with my coaching program.

Media Production

Whether you are a business that aspires to tell its story and to reach out to a wider public or an artist who seeks to channel one’s vision and inspiration, the artistic direction journey might need to create media content that serves the goals of the direction. Writing and directing can dictate the final result, whether it is a film, video, music video… Here you can find a high quality product that respects your budget.


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