Shredy Jabarin

Director | Scriptwriter | Actor


Film | Theater | Music Videos

Acting | Performance

Film | Theater | Online Productions


Acting | Public speaking | Performance

Artistic Direction

Productions | Projects | Artists




Coming next

A new surprise
Music by Maria GoJa
produced by Alaa Alsarraj
written, directed and filmed by Shredy Jabarin



Original Song

Not My Drama
Song by Maria GoJa
Music production by Maria GoJa
Music video written, directed and filmed by Shredy Jabarin




I have studied the art of performance, acting, storytelling and psychodrama in the faculty of art – the theatre and cinema Departments at Tel-Aviv University, 2001-2004. Worked as an actor and a performer in theatres and in films since. Later wrote and directed theatre, video productions and taught acting and performance.

Today I create art projects, write and direct music videos, films, and online content. Additionally I help business people to channel their stories and messages with their audience and potential clients and also guide aspiring artists, actors, musicians, performers… to navigate their way in this complicated industry.

I was born in 1981 in Tel Aviv – Jaffa into a wealthy multi-cultural society, which has definitely shaped my artistic approach, career and journey and allowed me to work in different countries and languages. I speak Arabic, Hebrew, English, French and German and am still open to learn.

What I do

I tell stories, perform, write, direct, plan and create an artistic visions, starting from the early stages of mindset preparation, setting the relevant goals and strategy, shape the performance and all the way to media production, image video, music video, online content… I direct the content, help inspire people, sell the product and achieve success.

Not only do I provide the following services separately, but I also offer them all in one artistic direction journey, guiding you from concept to completion.

Acting & Performance

Of course, I am still passionate about acting, however, in the current state of my career, the message of the project is more important to me than my performance. I would gladly perform in a film or a theater play that inspires life, but since the film and theater industries have took a different approach, I find myself rejecting scripts which I find irrelevant.

Therefor, in the context of acting and performance, nowadays I am focusing my energy more on directing and coaching other performers and actors.

For those who are interested in acting coaching or in performance coaching, I can only say that, as an actor who performed on stages in in films professionally for years, I learned that standing on stage and on screen  requires direction, beyond the cliches and general concepts of “charisma” and “talent”.

It demands being aware of many areas alongside the emotional aspect. From writing, directing, staging, filming, and other technical fields, until reaching the target audience.

Whether short-term or long-term, my approach ensures that every aspect of the performance is professionally planned and executed.

For non professionals, the work might feel unusual, but after getting used to it, not only the one would find inspiration and guidance in it, but also one will achieve the goals more precisely and effectively.

Get the Mindset ready!

Before talking about the production or the performance, we need to be ready for it and for the challenges it brings, emotional, mentally, intellectually, financially, socially…

There are plenty of issues that we need to consider before we start talking about performance and production. This is getting the mindset ready. The amount of sessions depends on the capabilities and the mental capacity of the client. After that we can talk about performance.

This kind of coaching can be used as a one time consultation or as a process that aims to achieve goals. We are going to use method acting and the knowledge of Psychodrama, but we focus more on achievement, than on words.

Action is measured by the quality of the performance and achievement. But to beginners who can not judge the quality of the performance, achievement is the indication. Not talking about it or writing about it, but watching the final product and its feedback

I approach artistic work from two points of view – the method – systemic/technical on one hand, and the psychodrama on the other.

Psychodrama offers a unique window onto human behaviour. The good news is that it does not consider only theory, intellectual observation and verbal analysis, but also action, emotional transformation, character design and transformation of the character and the relationships. We all are performers. Whether we perform on stage, off stage and in daily life.

The method offers us success. This kind of approach requires genuine and uncompromising expertise, vision, direction, knowledge, creativity and skill. Everyone can talk, but only an expert can achieve a measurable outcome. Achievement is the indication.

Some might be repeating the same actions or following the same misleading guidance, without realising that this is part of the problem.

Some might feel that all they need is one piece of the puzzle in order to complete the picture, but do not see or know about the many other pieces that are also crucial. So, one would be unconsciously gambling, wishfully thinking and expecting success, without seeing desired outcome. Therefore one gets disappointed, again and again, until one loses hope. This can actually change, when following professional guidance.

Although the pieces of the puzzle might look separated, at the end, they must connect into one big picture, in order to achieve the desired outcome and create that sense of completion and realisation.

The ability to see the big picture and connect all the pieces into one complete unit is a rare skill and a science that I studied and successfully applied by action and achievement for almost two decades.

In addition to building my artist career, I have succeeded in helping others build theirs and achieve their goals, not only with verbal guidance, but also with execution, action and achievement.

Even if you tried many things in the past, yet have not found what you are looking for, or if you have found yourself too confused by too many (conflicting) sources of inspiration, I invite you to give me a chance and I’ll be glad to help you connect the dots, find the way and achieve the goal.

Artistic Direction

Not to be confused with “Art director”.

Artistic direction is the executive and organisational leadership of an Artistic project, production, product, organisation…

The term is generally used in the context of theater, but not only. Any artistic journey needs a director in order to achieve success, whether it is a theater play, a music video, a film production, online content, or even the journey where the artist is the product.

An artistic director must have professional studies, years of professional experience in a variety of technical skills, expertise and professional knowledge, not only as a “coach/teacher”, but most importantly as an achiever – actor, performer, filmmaker… He must be an artist who applied the knowledge with action and actual achievements, not only by talking and teaching.

The mindset is the place where we start. Because without the emotional and psychological preparation nothing constructive can be achieved. This work might need time depending on the project.

When we are ready, we move to performance work, then to create the content, market it and sell it to an audience. You can be a business, producer, musician, songwriter and/or someone who has a skill, but doesn’t know how to convert it into an income and make a living out of it.

Success is a long way of intelligent work that must be based on accurate knowledge, not on “intuition”, “workshop concepts”, cliché knowledge. Only after accessing the vital knowledge, will the action require discipline and consistency. Without knowledge the action does not achieve the goal, regardless of how consistent the action is.

So, growth cannot be based on general concepts or on a sense of “intuition”. That might create only an illusion of temporary success, but for the long run it will be self destructive. What I offer is the path of vital knowledge, truth, action and achievement. Achievement and production are the indication. Taking this path needs a combination of many fields:

Performance – acting, presentation, performing and posing in front of camera and on stage…

Personality and the character of the artist – image, authenticity…

Artistic guidance – strategy, planning, seeing the big picture…

Media Production – writing, directing, professional photography, filmmaking, sound, lighting…

Each one of the above is a science on its own and to achieve success, it is important to understand that, because it’s artistic and creative work, it doesn’t mean it is arbitrary and intuitive. This is a cliché that can be told in films and in PR stories, not in real life. So, one needs to go through coaching processes of performance and personality, we need to produce the relevant content and find the most effective and budget friendly way to spread the message.

This journey is available to those who would like to producer their projects and productions, and walk their path of passion into achievement and fulfilment, from A to Z, especially for those who would like to make it without being dependent on external entities – governmental funds, sponsorships…

Many feel that all they need is one photography session, one social media work or one (viral) video… in order to create their journey. Sometimes they do it just because they have seen someone else doing it. But they cannot see the link between this and the big picture and how to continue from there.

So one would be investing time and efforts without actual success. After repeating this again and again, one might lose hope and belief that the magic can actually happen.

The ability to see the big picture and to connect all the pieces into one complete unit is a rare skill and a science that I have studied and successfully applied for more than 20 years and looking forwards to meeting and helping more people with it.

Media Production

As a business or an artist in the age of media and information, it is essential to communicate one’s story visually and emotionally, to connect with one’s audience. This requires the ability to create content, to write and direct the process.

Whether you are a business that aspires to tell its story and to reach out to a wider public or an artist who seeks to channel one’s vision and inspiration, the artistic direction journey might need to create media content that serves the goals of the direction. Writing and directing can dictate the final result, whether it is a film, video, music video… Here you can find a high quality product that respects your budget.



Media Production:

  • Music Videos
  • Films
  • Articles
  • Video Blog

written, directed and filmed by Shredy Jabarin






The Coaching Business Phenomenon

The Coaching Business Phenomenon

Recently I've been approached physically by someone trying to pitch me her "coaching business", in order to hire her boss - a coach who has been lately "licensed by Tony Robbins". Therefore I had to make this video to tell the story and to talk about this phenomenon...

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Video Blog